This art, classified as an intangible asset for humanity, is expressed through scenic interpretation, dance, percussion, rhythm and harmony. Passion, purity, dedication, are the essence of flamenco. Filling you with sensations, full of energy and strength. Let the music vibrate in you and enjoy unforgettable moments, full of emotion and beauty.

We work to bring FLAMENCO to you in its purest state, enjoying the study of its behavior, both emotional and physical. This prepares us to be able to offer shows with great passion and quality. Everything in the Universe has a beat, a rhythm and a harmony, in it lies the secret of its form and the sensation it produces in us. Flamenco sometimes you choose and sometimes it chooses you

Flamallorca was born with the desire to consolidate this art on the island and offer the possibility of enjoying flamenco at the level of any tablao in Spain. Although we have a big difference, since always the place where we perform the shows are special places, full of heritage and history, unique in their characteristics. This gives us a special magic with which to envelop the viewer.

Everything changes when you see it up close.  THANK FOR VISITING US


